Protest Signs

Handing out signs at Denny Park on August 13 before an anti-racist counter protest. Photo credit: Associated Press.

Some people listen to music and knit or get stoned and fold origami to relieve stress. I make protest signs and watch Star Trek.

You’ve probably found your way here because you’ve got one of my signs and you read the link off the handle. I’m so glad you have a piece of my artwork. If you like the sign, please feel free to hold onto it. At some point, I’d love it if you’d pay it forward by handing it off to someone awesome you meet at a protest.

If you want to return the sign to me, that’s great too. I’ll happily make you one of your very own. Send me a note using the contact form below and let me know what you’d like your sign to say. Then we can make arrangements to do a handoff and maybe get a cup of coffee if you’d like to chat.


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